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John Evich:

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John resides in Deming, Washington with his wife and twins.  His family’s heritage is deeply grounded in the fishing industry, having fished the West Coast since 1898.  John joined the commercial fishing Industry in 1982, where at the age of 12 he started fishing in Area M (Western Alaskan Peninsula a.k.a. “False Pass”). He has since fished from Attu, AK. to the Mexican border.   He has been invested in the Puget Sound Dungeness fishery since 2010.

John’s desire to work closely with WDFW was brought about at a young age as he watched his family work closely on development and management with the International Pacific Halibut Commission, WDFW, University of Washington Fisheries Program, and the development of the West Coast’s modern mid-water trawl with the Federal Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Additionally, they were instrumental in pioneering the Alaska Pot King Crab fishery.

John’s goal is to protect this Puget Sound Crab fishery for his children and future generations.

F/V Reckoning: Built by LeClercq Marine 1991, LOA 30'

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